Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Character Development of Will and Evanlyn

After a long, nice and relaxed break I am ready to blog again. The blog will be the conclusion of "Ranger's Apprentice: The Battle for Skandia". Now what I've noticed with the character development is mainly Will and Evanlyn, also known as Princess Cassandra but I'll talk about that in a bit. Will and Evanlyn are a big storyline in this book since they have been captured by Skandians and later escape with their befriended Skandian, Erak. Though they made an escape there is still no support from Will since in the he was a victim of warm weed which had caused him to be ill and not be any help. Now though in the next book; Battle for Skandia, Will has gotten better and could actually help Evanlyn. Evanlyn fears as though he is still not recovered completely and should rest while she hunts for food. On one of her hunts she is captured by the Temujai invaders and is unable to return. Will not knowing where she is comes up with scenarios of what could have happened to her. The evidence to prove this is, "Deep down in the pit of his stomach, a vague uneasiness stirred as he wondered what could have become of his companion. He reviewed the possibilities." this show how he is thinking of many possibilities of what could have happened to her and how he has developed since the first book. In "The Ruins of Gorlan" Will is just a boy who has many questions and does not think much of what he could possibly do. Now he is more matured and understands how to handle situations thanks to the mentoring from Halt. Now Evanlyn's character development is astounding. From "Burning Bridge" she has developed to a brave princess fighting for her land, Araluen. Then in "Icebound Land" she becomes clever as well as brave having Will and herself escape from being slaves and nurse Will from his addiction. Now she has a huge role. Because the Skandians have realized that she is Princess Cassandra, the whole backstory behind this is that the Skandians have sworn to kill anyone of the Araluen kingdom family and Cassandra being the princess had to conceal her identity as Evanlyn, but after Skandians noticed her looks being familiar and a lady accidentally exposing by calling her "my lady" Cassandra realized that she might as well reveal her identity with all of their evidence to show it is her. An argument starts like this, "'I am King Duncan's daughter' she said with a slight emphasis on his title. 'Cassandra, Princess of Araluen.' 'Then you are my sworn enemy," Slagor said, spitting the words out. 'And I have that your should die.'" she is soon saved the Erak with these words, "Erak stepped forward. 'And I've sworn that she will be safe here, Oberjarl' he said. 'I gave my word when I ask the Ranger to help us.'" this shows how Cassandra was going to be killed by Erak saved here. This also shows how in front of a bunch of Skandians working for Slagor, she was still able to reveal her identity with ease and bravery. That is why I think Will and Evanlyn/Cassandra were the main developed people in this book.

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