Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year, New Stuff I Guess

A lot of people have a "Resolution" for the New Year and end up failing at their goals by February, and to the people who end up fulfilling the goals, congratulations. Instead of making goals that I knew I can't complete by New Years' Eve 2016, then I will make areas where I should improve. Starting off with my grades, I know having a lot of 2's is okay to have now and really isn't bad, but I rather have more 3's in things that I am struggling with, so instead of saying I want to have 3's, I am going to say I am going to work harder to have more 3's and 4's. Also a lot of people choose a lot of goals to complete in one year, I don't want to overwhelm myself though, so I will just keep this my only goal right now.

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