Monday, January 11, 2016

The Comparison

I've found a lot of things different between Sorcerer of the North and Battle for Skandia in terms of the characters. In Battle for Skandia. In Battle for Skandia our main characters are Will and Evanlyn. Will, who is brave from his training as a ranger does unwise things in battle which can get him killed, he is saved by Horace a friend who learned a lot from him in terms of respect. Evanlyn who has to be the bravest of them all, risks her life as to being around the presence of Slagor who wants Princess Cassandra dead which is her true identity. Now we have new characters who help Will in his new assignment, the only character who remained is Halt who was Will's mentor for the first four books until his departure to be assigned the Araulen while Will takes over a village of the castles. The first is a dog, who I do not know what what her name will be, it is shown by, "Then, setting the bow aside, Will knelt beside the wounded dog lying in the grass" this is the first charcter that is introduced, the second is John Buttle who was the man who had injured the dog, he is greatly known for abusing animals as said here, "He's a herder by trade. But he does most things. Some say he does his real work at nights along the roads, looking for travelers who are about after dark. But no one's proved it. He's a might too handy with that spear of his for my liking. He's a good man to stay away from." and "If Buttle's the one who hurt that dog, he'll do well to stay away from me," both pieces of evidence showing his description and how he is more cold in terms of his liking and respect. He is brave like Horace and Evanlyn, but not in a good way.

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