Friday, December 11, 2015

The Theme of Ranger's Apprentice Icebound Land

In "Ranger's Apprentice Icebound Land" by John Flanagan there is a lot of friendships that begin to grow throughout the book or grow from the book before. And I think that the theme of this book is "Great friends will stick by you" and the reason why I think this is mainly because of Evanlyn and Will. They had been traded to become slaves and then splitter up because of their friendship. The slave owners saw they were friends and decided to break them up and without each other's supervision they wouldn't know what the others were doing. Will had became so sore from the work he was doing as a slave that the other slaves gave him warmweed to make him feel better. As soon as Evanlyn found out she was saddened because she thought she lost a friend. Erak had helped her stop his addiction by slowing down his doses and when he was finally snapped out of the warmweed she had become so happy she cried. The evidence to support is, "And, saying it, he wondered why her eyes had filled, and why her shoulders were shaking as tear after tear spilled uncontrollably down her cheeks. After all, he couldn't really see that there was anything to cry about." this is important because of how Evanlyn had become so drawn away from him thinking she lost a friend. Once will snapped out of his addiction she cried from joy knowing her friend was back. This theme also goes for Halt and Horace because of their friendship that grows from the same goal they have, saving Will and Evanlyn. They had gone through facing a power hungry warrior and in the end they felt accomplished knowing they were one step quick to getting Will and Evanlyn. The evidence to support this is, "'Good,' said Horace, and there was a world of satisfaction in the single word. Together, they turned their backs on the memory of Deparnieux. They urged their horses forward and the little cavalcade moved off, Tug following close behind the two riders. 'Let's go and find Will,' said Halt" this is important because it is reminded of their shared goal that sprouts this friendship and throughout the journey of finding Will, they stuck by through thick and thin problems and went straight ahead, that is why the theme is Great Friends will Stick By You

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