Friday, December 11, 2015

Predicting and Uncertain Future for Will in Ranger's Apprentice Icebound Land

In "Ranger's Apprentice Icebound Land" by John Flanagan I predict that will begin to have on and off moments from addiction to warmweed, the reason why is because in one sudden moment he wakes up from a nap remembering everything with no side effects. It really bothers me because it felt sped up and it seemed like he just wanted to get over with the storyline. And it's kind of a repetition at this point where he will make a storyline of a book too rushed that you can't seem to enjoy it at times. My evidence to prove this is, "A jolt of fear hit him. Evanlyn! What had become or her?" this shows that all of the sudden he can remember Evanlyn and in the paragraph before it he doesn't quite remember much. "But there was no memory there. Nothing but a blank wall that defied all his efforts to pierce it." this is the paragraph before it, now I know that at times a surge of memory can come to you, but he woke up from a nap, has no idea where he is and you'd think that he would try to figure out what happened to him first. But besides that I think John Flanagan had thought of something fresh for a storyline that the good old "Good guy fights all the bad guys and saves everyone."

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