Writer's Workshop Portfolio

The Transition to What the World Needs Now
By: Aaron Duarte

On July 4th, 2014 84 people were shot and 16 people killed and earlier through the year 1,000 people have been shot in Chicago having most of the people killed be either Latino or Black. Chicago Tribune has labeled Chicago second most violent city throughout the U.S having most of the killings be outside of the white race. Heritage Middle School is an opposing example that the idea of cultures coming together could happen. In Heritage, there is multiple cultures. Many of the students do not have conflict with each other showing that the world could be at peace with out cultures.

In Heritage Middle School, they have people all sorts of races that are friends or best friends and the problem is that outside of school people don't accept others. In some statistics out of 37 students, a majority of the students being Mexican, the others were a mix of White, Asian and Puerto Rican. Even though the student body isn't a big mix, it shows that we are diverse just like outside of school in Chicago. This can also show that all the cultures that people represent in Heritage can be a metaphor for the how great the world is right now.

The real idea though is do people feel safe with other people with a different race. A majority of the killings that had happened over police brutality involve people with another race and people are to believe that the cops are "racist" which is why they kill people outside of their race. Now that can set an example on other people and the tone set on them makes others look bad. Because of the police killing a lot of people that are a different race, people will start to believe it was the victims fault at some point rather it being the polices fault. This will make people feel unsafe with others outside of their race because of these killings. When you watch the news you'll see a black person being killed or a Mexican being killed, or they'll talk about how some people who are not white robbed a store or they had killed someone. They don't show positive things about these people as often as they do as the negative which leads to some other statistics that mention that out of 37 students, only one does not feel safe with people from another race. This shows that even though out of 37 only 36 feel safe having a percentage of 97.3% and the big idea around this evidence is that with all the shootings with African Americans and Mexicans being killed or killing, people still accept others from another race and no matter what can feel safe with them. With the other student who didn't feel safe sees things in negative ways and doesn't feel right, but the other part of the statistic shows that the students pay attention to the positive things and put the negative behind and share their friendships with people the other race. So the students at HMS need to show why the other student shouldn't be afraid of others or be traumatized to be with them, they need to become one with the friendships that can grow between a few students.

The way to change this is happening right now because Heritage has multiple clubs and will add more clubs for people to endorse all of their cultures. Clubs like National Junior Honor Society and sports that include anyone show that changes are being made. That people are accepting different cultures. Now with all these clubs there is going to be changes with people's view of the world and maybe outside of school they can use these methods of clubs and such to bring people who refuse to accept to learn to accept. Because bringing people together can bring the world together.


The principal needs some principles! Early 2014 at Heritage Middle School our students have experienced something quite unusual. The loss of their principal, Mrs. LaSalle. Rumors about Mrs. LaSalle had gone on all over HMS and District 100 leaving schools to wonder what would happen to the school, staff and students, but mainly what had happened to Mrs. LaSalle. She was unexpectedly fired and students, faculty, everyone is to wonder why she had disappeared.
After this leaving, people began rumors on her leaving. One of the most talked about rumors is her stealing money from the school to use for her own needs. The backup towards this that people mentioned  that the school was having multiple fundraisers and not having enough money to keep other things going, such as sports, clubs, and programs that included teachers and students and a lot of teachers had also left that year. This could be from not having a salary they would want since money could have been taken that year cutting their pays down.
People hear about these rumors and have to think about what Mrs. LaSalle had done for the school earlier in the year which would lead to this. How the principal of HMS who was seen as someone you look up to could change your thoughts just like that. Stealing money from a school could be a bad image for the school and staff. These rumors have indeed put a bad image on Mrs. LaSalle then again, you can hear rumors, but you can't know them.

Aaron Duarte
ELA Block 4
September 25, 2015

I'm walking gaining every breath of air just for running less than a minute. My legs feel like they can tear apart. I see people blazing after me faster than speed of light. One by one, finishing their mile in seven or eight minutes like a cheetah or even flash, sometimes even six minutes. Here I am barely finishing my mile in eleven minutes, panting and feeling dizzy and my legs are practically like noodles. I knew I wasn't like the other kids, but I wanted to be like them, fast, but I never had the the right physical built to be like that. I am just short and have a gut bigger than a head. Other kids started to laugh at me for the time I had in the mile and I wanted be like the other kids, but I never knew how I could be like them.
Every year my Mom takes me to get checked by the doctor to get my shots. The doctor that gives me a shot is a doctor I've known for a long time. She's been checking me since I was a baby and since my last doctor's appointment I gained more than fifteen pounds. I looked down at and I couldn't see over my stomach. The doctor laughed and told me, "My oh my, you got some big potatoes stored here!" pinching the fat of my stomach. I never understood what she meant until my mom told me it more of a "polite" way of saying I am fat. I sighed, but I agreed with my  mom and it made me think of how my stomach was so big and she said it looked like potatoes. Potatoes are pretty big I should add. I must've had over six potatoes in my stomach!
I kept thinking about how big my stomach while I was eating two thick, juicy, and patties from Mickie D's realizing what I was doing having a big juicy bite and seeing  the oil drip out of my hamburger. The food I was eating and other horrible foods were the reason why I was had "potatoes". Then after I'd eat something like this I'd want more even though I didn't do anything at all besides lay around all day and snack on stuff that made me want to eat more and more.  Kids at school would make fun of me because of things like this, over-eating and doing nothing at all. I wanted to be fit. I didn't want to be made fun by all of these other kids anymore.
The next day in the gymnasium we were doing a road runner which mainly consisted of running around in the gym for thirty minutes and I've never really done it before because I would get tired. This time though I felt different, I felt blood rushing through unlike before, I felt hyper. The only time I'd really felt like this is when I'd found my mom's secret stash of candy and ate every brand of candy you could think of. No doubt though, I felt like running around and jumping off the walls from how hyper I was.
And I ran, as fast as I could and I could hear people laughing. I knew there were laughing at me, but I could care less. This was a start of a new me, and I know the process is going to be slow, but I am willing to wait for this. Ten minutes into the run and I am dying, I can admit that my energy was just from the candy I ate. But I could not stop, if I stopped I know some would make fun of me for giving up. All of these scattered thoughts passed through my head and I barely realized the time and the run was over.
Even though I felt "hyper", I felt like I was dying, limping to show my pain. If I had remembered how bad I'd feel after doing the mile run. I didn't eat like I had used to, I started eating half I'd usually normally eat when I ate like Michael Phelps. I felt better mentally. I knew that know I shall be able to do I again, better in fact.
The thing is that I didn't feel like a slacker anymore. I got taller which made my gut slim down and I had lost weight, I changed physically and mentally to be better than I was before and I am glad. I experienced going through being made fun of and finally putting a stop to it. 💚I don't get made fun about my weight and I feel more motivated in school therefore making me not so lazy anymore. So I lost the weight to be better than who I was before.

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